About Kristy Mia

My passion and mission are deeply rooted in empowering women to live the life they deserve and desire, with less stress and overwhelm, and more joy and ease. My expertise from trainings has propelled me into this career, but it was my experience as a mother of three boys that ignited my desire to support other mothers who are struggling with so many demands upon them that lead to exhaustion and many other challenges.

My ultimate goal is to ensure that these incredible women feel seen, heard, and appreciated. I encourage them to embrace the concept of "selfishness" by reorganizing their lives in ways that prioritize self-care and establish patterns and routines that bring ease and balance while reminding them of the true worth.

I am an accomplished mentor and coach with a passion for inspiring and motivating mothers to conquer overwhelm and find fulfillment and balance in their lives. My exceptional clarity, strength, and confidence equip mothers with the power to unleash their full potential and create the life they truly desire.

My journey has been diverse and filled with remarkable experiences. I hail from upstate New York, spent significant time living in Philadelphia and Washington, DC, and embarked on cross-country journeys not once, but twice. For the past 24 years, California has been my cherished and beloved place I call home. However, once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker!

Exploration and travel are my greatest passions, and I seize every opportunity to venture into new and exciting destinations. Hiking is a regular ritual in my life, and I hold a profound appreciation for the serenity of nature. To deepen my connection with the natural world, I ensure that I embark on kayaking adventures, participate in the exhilarating journey of Hawaiian Outrigger canoeing, ride the ocean waves body surfing, and engage in the purifying experience of swimming in the open sea or tranquil bay waters. I find solace in floating on pristine lakes, and always take the exhilarating opportunity to leap off towering cliffs into the refreshing river waters.

However, the most expansive, exploratory, and inspiring journey I have had is through motherhood in the San Francisco East Bay area. I am blessed to be a mother to three wonderful sons who are my greatest teachers and loves!! I also have a chocolate lab named Rocco who is my sweet companion who keeps up with me on my adventures in life and is the best cuddler, two sweet kitties named Coconut and Nutmeg, and some bees and chickens that bring us all joy, as well as yummy honey and eggs.

My dream career as a doula and childbirth educator started two decades ago, even before I became a mother myself. The spark to move into this realm ignited during one of my yoga teacher trainings. I felt inspired to support women in having empowered births and joyful experiences with birth, postpartum wellness, and mothering.

Alongside my yoga teaching and doula work, I completed my certification as a nutritionist, guiding people holistically toward optimal health. These three modalities have not only allowed me to reach unprecedented heights with my students and clients but also helped me navigate the challenges of motherhood during times of overwhelm and stress and live a more balanced and healthy life.

Throughout the past 18 years, my children have remained my top priority. It has been a remarkable experience, full of so much love, happiness, adventures, celebrations too many to count, and as well as exhaustion, frustrations, and challenges. You cannot have good without bad. The challenges help you to savor all the good and be fully appreciative!

There was a period in my life when I found myself not making room for my own needs and aspirations. I was shouldering a load that was far too heavy, all while lacking the support and partnership that I both deserved and desperately needed. The burden of doing it all began to take a toll on me. I was stretched thin, battling overwhelm, and struggling to advocate for myself. While I was fully relishing in my children and engaging in so much joy with them, I was neglected by myself and in my marriage. The pressures of constantly caring for others, even to the detriment of my own well-being, ultimately pushed me to a point of physical and emotional exhaustion.

My journey is a reflection of the experiences of countless mothers who have been conditioned to believe that selflessness and self-sacrifice are the noblest virtues. It's as if our own needs, desires, and interests are overshadowed by the perpetual demands of family life. It took navigating through some of the darkest moments in my life to reach a resounding realization – I deserved more than the life I was settling for. My worth isn't dictated by someone else's perception of me or their narrative about who I should be. I came to understand that I could lead a fulfilling, joyous, and celebratory life on my terms, one that was a true reflection of my desires and aspirations.

I'm all about embracing vulnerability and authenticity, even if it means not being everyone's cup of tea. My journey is a balancing act between being the best mom I can be and constantly deepening my self-awareness, a commitment to personal growth, and a thirst for knowledge. I take pride in my unwavering dedication to learning and evolving in every facet of my life, never giving up on myself.

Life can be quite the rollercoaster, filled with ups and downs, but I firmly believe that we can not only endure but also discover true joy amidst the chaos. Drawing from my extensive training and personal experiences, I'm here to offer my support and guidance as you navigate your unique path through motherhood and self-discovery, all while embracing your nurturing spirit, inner strength, and boundless confidence. Every woman holds within her the potential to unveil her greatness and let her radiant light shine.

The world craves women like you, incredible mothers who are nurturing the future leaders and change-makers of the world. But you're not just that; you're a woman who's delved deep into her own self-discovery, unearthed her unique greatness, and refuses to let anything dim her radiant light.

More With Kristy Mia…

Yoga for Life

Incorporating yoga into your daily routine may seem so bou-jee. It’s important to recognize that everything we do is a practice and to understand the importance of implementing the elements of yoga into our daily routines. Our practice takes many forms and changes as we grow and evolve. Prior to having children, I practiced yoga for three hours a day in a classroom setting for years. Although it may seem excessive, this allowed me to take care of myself before and after teaching classes. As I raised my 3 children, my approach to yoga evolved and I came to understand that it extended beyond just the physical practice on the mat. I found the most important part of my practice was coming to my breath- with intention, being present with my children and engaging in full uninhibited play with them, mindfully choosing my words, apologizing and doing repair work in my relationships, connecting with nature regularly; whether in my garden, hiking or at the beach, and excepting my changing body with love.

Yoga takes on many forms. And while I think it’s important to have a movement (asana) and breathing (pranayama) practice, the other methods of practice are just as important. Take some time to come to your breath, find more ease as you deepen it and breathe slowly. Encourage yourself to slow down with your breath so your nervous system can follow the lead. Repeat some words of gratefulness. Find all the ways in your life that your practice can evolve with you and support you to live with more grace and ease. Fall in love with your body and allow some space to let go of expectations and limitations. Slow down and just BE in the moment with your breath. Notice what is going well, what is good, what is working. This will help to cultivate awareness and change your body’s responses to life situations to come first from a place of positivity and gratitude.

Rise & shine

I believe how you begin the day can make all the difference and can have a major impact on how you feel and function throughout the day. Even if you're not a morning person (one more hour please!), developing a morning ritual can completely transform your days.

One of the most crucial aspects of establishing a morning routine is ensuring you get enough sleep. It's difficult to wake up feeling refreshed and energized if you haven't gotten sufficient rest. Prioritize your sleep! (Save social media scrolling for a mid-day indulgence instead of @ bedtime)

As a mother, you may often feel like you're being pulled in multiple directions and don't have enough time for yourself. Take charge of your health by communicating to everyone that your time is valuable and that you matter. Take the time for yourself to hold this nurturing morning ritual and keep it sacred.

Consider adjusting your bedtime and wake time by 15 minutes on each end to create your cherished morning routine. You can indulge in self-care activities like washing your face slowly with a gentle massage or using Gau Sha, dry brushing and oiling your body, or opt for journaling, pulling astrology cards, meditation, or movement.

Some other techniques that give me a great start to my day are oil-pulling, spending 5 minutes on the Power Plate, doing a 10-minute breathing exercise while grooving on my yoga mat, sitting outside with a cup of tea and breathing in the early morning air with my dog Rocco, using my infrared blanket or sauna, taking a cold plunge/shower, and acknowledging at least 3 things I am thankful for before getting out of bed to establish my mindset.

Whatever you choose to include in your morning ritual, make sure you do it consistently for yourself. You'll be happy that you start the day choosing YOU!

Nourish Daily

I believe in finding things that feed you daily. It’s essential as a mother to actualize these strategies to help build your energy reserves, and ensure you don’t totally lose your mind, your temper or frankly, yourself. These delicious tidbits of saving grace can be as simple as going for a quick walk and finding a field of flowers (see my selfie above :) ), sitting with the sun on your face for 5 minutes, drinking your favorite beverage while watching the sunset, putting music on loud and dancing uninhibited, taking a bath after the kids are in bed (use essential oils, Epsom, candles and calming music), taking a nap, reading or listening to a chapter of your new favorite book, dipping into any body of water near you (even if it is soaking your feet in a large bowl of warm water), getting your bare feet in connection with the earth (in the grass, sand or on the dirt…), putting a face mask on while painting your nails and rocking out to 80s tunes, or just plainly sitting on your couch or lying in bed doing nothing but listening to your breath slow down for 15 minutes. Sometimes it’s the simple things we do that nourish us the most, as long as we do something for ourselves each day. It can be 5 minutes for you that makes all the difference. Do it to recharge, ground and nourish yourself.

You are worth it!

Share Time in Joy

Whether you are an introvert, an extrovert or somewhere in-between, feeling isolated or overstimulated, the key is to find a way to connect with others that actually fills you up instead of depletes you. Be mindful of who you are giving your time to, who you allow in your space, what energy is surrounding you, and what you are consuming in media and entertainment.

All of these are forms of connecting, but some may be energy stealers. Choose wisely and remind yourself that you are in charge of your choices. You get to choose who, how, and when to share time that is healing, inspiring, nurturing, and joyful. Even if you choose your loving pet over humans. That can be therapeutic time well spent.

When you step into your power in these ways, you feel more freedom and are able to be fully present and really enjoy each moment.

This is all a form of self-care. Knowing how you recharge best and when you need to connect outward or inward, can make all the difference in your well-being. Sometimes we have to challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone, however, to be fed properly. Give yourself permission to be uncomfortable at times for your greater good. It eventually will be easier and is always an opportunity for growth and propinquity.

Invest in yourself.

Live fierce. Live Free. Live now!

One on One Coaching

Guiding you to step into your power and balance… Shedding the weight and becoming light to feel incredible in your life fully!

You are worth the commitment.

Every Damn Day!