First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Birth date
Height & Weight
Family & Living Situation:
Please list food, medicine and environmental
Health care providers you are seeing?
Medical conditions/ procedures during the last 7 years
What is your regular exercise routine and recreational activity? How often?
What are your top 3 biggest stressors that are on-repeat often?
If there was a magic button, what would be erased, resolved or fixed for you today?
What health goals would you like to address? Please provide an onset date.
How have you dealt with these concerns thus far?
List any supplements or medications you are taking and for what purpose for each
Use sheet back for more space
Please list any addictive behaviors
(Past and present use and abuse of alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, birth control pills, caffeine, food, codependency, workaholism…)
Please describe the condition and tendency of the following
Skin, Hair, Nails
Tell me how your presenting concerns impact you & your life & your family & partner?
Do you have any injuries (past or present)? If so, where are they located and how do they affect you?
Have you done allergy, blood, pulse or saliva testing? Elimination diet? Journaling?
What is a typical day like for you now from wake to sleep? Include all you do during a day along with the times and how you feel. Please include a typical day's meals with all your meals/snacks/beverages.
What are toxins now and past- food, chemical and environmental exposure?
Are you willing to make some changes? What do you envision as your best YOU emerging?
What motivates you, and what deters you from trying or completing tasks or goals?
How do you respond to being criticized? Assisted?
How frequently do you feel you need to review your progress to stay on track?
What methods help you learn most effectively?
How do you feel I can best support you throughout this relationship together?